Tuesday 18 July 2017

Open minded blog

This is an open minded blog where people can anonymously post opinions. Please bare in mind the posts may not match the creator of the blog page or your own opinions. All posts are open to discussion. It is expected that posts and comments be respectful to everyone no matter their race, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. Anyone who is rude or disrespectful will be blocked. If it is found that things are out of control we will have to shut the page down. Here's hoping we can all enjoy this open space.

This is for those who got in touch with me about an anonymous blog  we are going to do this for all of you who don't want to hurt yourself or business.
This is a bare bones blog. What is posted isn't going to agree with everyone. If you have something you want to post send it in to the email we'll put in. We reserve the right not to post something as well.  This is us sticking my neck out there for those who need an outlet.

Have a wonderful day from all of at the unanimous team.  The email is AnnieAndrew2017@hotmail.com